Monday, December 1, 2008

Comment on "The Long STANDING STATE"

Why do schools make such a big deal about teaching evolution? Part of me agrees with Adriana on her article about teaching evolution in schools and part of me also disagrees. I believe that we should give students all the information that we have about evolution and where we come from and let them make up their own minds. Despite separation of church and state we may have to teach some bible stories in school. I believe that this separation is good in most cases but when teaching evolution. People do not have to completely agree with a theory to identify with that particular theory. Take what you want from one and from another and make your own, that is what I have done.
When a theory is introduced to a student in school is irrelevant but we should definitely not force one belief on the student. I can remember being taught Darwin’s Evolution theory and the Big Bang theory both in middle school. I took my own interpretation and made no big deal about it despite any religious beliefs I might or might not have. So we should let the students make up their own beliefs and teach all aspects of evolution, or completely take evolution out of the curriculum. One thing I do not like about society is that we are taught to be different but when we are different we then are condemned.

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