Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Penalties on Sex Offenders V. Drug Dealers

Are drug dealers really more dangerous than sex offenders? It seems that judges tend to think so when sentencing them. I do not believe that the penalties on sex offenders are harsh enough many only get probation and never see the inside of a jail cell, but if you get busted with drugs you are immediately taken to jail and face severe prison sentences. Are these penalties fair for the crime committed? The effects of these crimes are much different. Someone who buys drugs or sells drugs has a choice and if a child has been sexually abused they do not really have a choice in the matter. Who made up these laws and penalties do they not have children themselves? Don’t get me wrong I am not trying to down play the sale and use of illegal drugs but if you give the dealer a chance or option of rehabilitation many can get sober. The effects on an abused child are much more traumatic. Sexual abuse can cause psychological trauma in which the victim can never fully recover and is usually affected even into their adult life, even after intense counseling. In my opinion the consequences for these offences seem to be a bit lop sided.

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