Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wrongly Convicted Rape Defendant Freed After 26 Years

Here is a story which I believe is work reading, posted by Dallas Morning News. In this article a man was freed after serving 26 years in prison for a crime he never committed. Johnnie Lindsey was freed in Dallas on the morning of September 19, 2008 because new DNA testing proved that he was not the rapist.
I was drawn to this article because people need to know that our justice system is not perfect. We are human and we make mistakes hopefully this will make people aware of the flaws in our justice system. How can we allow for this to happen to keep a prisoner hostage when they are innocent? I know that this article allowed me to be more aware and not necessarily believe everything that I hear even if it is on the news. For more information go to Dallas Morning News webpage

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